Pet Sitters do much more than provide a pet with food and water while their guardian is away from home. A good Pet Sitter also spends quality time with the animal, gives him exercise, and knows how to tell if he needs veterinary attention. What’s more, pet sitters typically offer… read more →
There are many Pet Sitters, Dog Walkers, and Pet Boarders to choose from, however, Bay Area Pet Pals offers all of these services and more! Private On-Leash Dog Walks • Pet Sitting Visits “Just Like Home” Dog Boarding Services 24/7 Checks On Your Pet Three words describe Bay Area Pet… read more →
Introductions Having your pet(s) meet with your pet sitter ensures that they will not be shocked or frightened when service begins. While you are away, it is good to leave an article of clothing that you’ve recently worn near where your pet sleeps as a reminder of you. Sometimes a… read more →